Keeping your home safe over the holidays

This the season to be jolly, but it is also a time when you need to keep your home safe. Safety comes in different forms, and many things can go wrong at this most wonderful time of the year. Your home insurance is your safety net, but hopefully, if you take some precautions, you can avoid having to file a claim. At EasTex Insurance in Tyler, TX, we have 40 years of experience providing you the customer service and insurance products you deserve.

Check the batteries

When everyone is spending more time indoors at this time of the year, it is important to make sure you replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas that can kill. More than 400 people die every year from carbon monoxide poisoning, and over 2000 are hospitalized. 

Keep your Christmas tree hydrated.

Christmas tree fires cause millions of dollars of damage every year and are responsible for deaths as well. It was a tree that didn’t get enough water to keep it from drying out in many cases. Never put a candle or other heat source near your Christmas tree. If you have pets or small children, anchor your tree for additional safety. 

Don’t leave lights on

When you go to bed, turn off the holiday lights or have them on a timer. Check all the cords, whether on the lights or extension cords, to ensure they are in good repair. 

Don’t announce your travel plans on social media.

Keep a low profile on social media during the holidays. If you are away for the day or several days, don’t talk about it before you go. You can share when you return. Thieves are always looking for an easy score. 

Contact EasTex Insurance in Tyler, TX for all your home insurance needs.