What to Know About Burial Life Insurance

Burial life insurance doesn’t offer the same benefits as a regular life insurance policy. However, if you are getting on in years and have a limited income, this form of insurance may be just what you need. 

What’s Covered by Burial Life Insurance?

As the name implies, the main purpose of a burial insurance policy is to cover funeral costs. This form of insurance can compensate your beneficiaries for expenses such as a burial plot, headstone, body transportation to and from a burial plot, flowers, cremation, and urn services. Furthermore, burial life insurance can cover debts you left after your passing. These include credit card bills, legal service bills, medical bills, and outstanding debts such as a car or mortgage payments. 

If you die within two or three years of buying the policy, your beneficiaries will only get a refund for your paid premiums, plus a bit extra. However, if you die once the policy comes into effect or are killed in an accident, your loved ones will get full benefits. Residents of Tyler, TX should read a policy carefully to know what’s covered and when coverage starts. 

Get Expert Insurance Advice from EasTex Insurance

EasTex Insurance has served Tyler, TX, residents for over forty years. We can help you explore your policy options, understand the pros and cons of each one, and pick the forms of coverage that will best meet your and your family’s needs. Get in touch with us today to start the process of selecting an insurance policy that will provide your loved ones with the financial help they need and deserve when you pass on from this life.